Exciting Incentive Draw Comes to an End
On 14 December at 14:59, the Neogas Incentive Draw ended. A total of 1 153 Instant Prizes were drawn:
- 1 107 units - 5m3 of natural gas
- 46 HUAWEI mobile phones
Detailed information of the winners can be found in the Attached file.
In accordance with the rules of the Neogas company lucky draw , the first 20 customers who have accumulated the most lucky draw tickets between 15 September and 14 December (unless they are the winner of the main prize), will receive a prize of free 50m3 of natural gas.
The main draw for the first prize – a KIA RIO, will take place on 25 December 2018 at 18:40 and will be aired live on Imedi TV!